首页  »  电影 » 第十二个嫌疑犯


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The 12th Suspect is a full-length feature film directed by KO Myoungsung, who also directed a documentary titled Good Bye (2009) about Korean immigrants living in Japan who went to North Korea. Set in a teahouse in Myeong-dong, Seoul right after the end of the Korean War, The 12th Suspect follows the suffocating psychological showdown that takes place between a detective and the 11 suspects who find themselves caught up in a murder case. The tight narrative between the characters and the enthusiastic performances of Kim Sangkyung, Heo Sungtae, Park Sunyoung, Kim Dongyoung, and the other actors prevent the film from falling into a monotony that could potentially be caused by a limited space like a teahouse. Through symbolic spaces such as the Korean War, Myeong-dong, and Namsan, the film attempts to take a look at the dark foundation of the modern history of Korea which has been carried forth through liberation, the Korean War, and division.


  • 热门评论

    这部电影我完全冲着片名来的。虽然和我想到一样是悬疑片,但是没有想到是50年代的故事,开片就让我想到了话剧捕鼠器。说实话这个故事改成话剧来演应该也很不错,但是可能电影对于一些故事的补充以及最后结尾的留白是更好的选择吧。 这部戏并没有优秀到5星,但是我真的很愿意给5星。因为这种白色恐怖,这种压迫之下人性的选择,韩影真的拍了很多了。但是它们依然可以给出优秀的作品。也是新的形式。 这次吹爆金相庆的演技,真的演得很好,我觉得这次的演出是绝对值得一个表演奖提名的肯定的。


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