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  • 剧情介绍
In Perugia, a serial-killer is strangling college students. Inspector Martino is in charge of the investigation and has a black and red scarf as the only lead to be followed. He asks the scarf street vendor Gianni Tomasso if he recalls who might have bought the scarf, but the man tells that he cannot remember. Then Gianni blackmails the killer and becomes his next victim. Meanwhile the college students and girlfriends Jane, Daniela, Katia and Ursula travel to an isolated villa to spend a couple of days together during a break from the art history classes of their professor Franz that has befriended Jane. When Jane twists her ankle, Dr. Roberto is summoned and asks her to rest. The student Stefano Vanzi stalks Daniela since he is obsessed for her. Are the girls in danger in the villa? Who might be the killer?


  • 热门评论

    1、这片子看过的人貌似不多,在时光网上我居然是第一个为本片写观感的人。 2、本片可以说是标准的70年代软情色惊悚片,具备着此类影片应该具备的一切元素,悬疑、惊悚、暴力、美女、裸露,一样不少。 3、基本故事比较一般,但悬念保持的很好,导演诱导观众在观影过程中将出场的全部男性统统列入怀疑对象,最后时刻才揭晓谜底。 4、叙事节奏很好,不拖泥带水,看起来不累。 5、好多好多的大美女,令影片整体看起来十分的养眼。(而且裸露戏频率比较高) 6、后半段,女主(应该算女主吧)在别墅中躲避凶手,几个回合的拉锯拍的非常有张力,很有希区柯克的感觉。 7、影片展现了很多次凶杀的场景,无奈特效做得实在太假了,有点儿让人跳戏。 8、本片大可一看,个人感觉整体水准比布莱恩帕尔马早年的惊悚电影要高一些。


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