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  Emu Hino, a 29-year-old virgin, witnesses a mob hit and fears that the killer will now find her and kill her. Indeed, he sets out to do so; he's Yo Hinomura, a talented potter and artist who's been conscripted against his will to be the prime hitman for the 108 Dragons, a gang within the Chinese Mafia, who are determined to push aside Tokyo's local crime lords. He breaks into her house, and she asks that he make love to her before he kills her; she connects to his inner self, and he becomes her protector. Now he must defend her against the local crime gang, who have connections with corrupt Tokyo police. Will Yo and Emu make it out alive, and will the 108 Dragons triumph?


  • 8.0分已完结特搜战队刑事连者载宁龙二,林刚史,伊藤阳佑,木下亚由美,菊地美香,石野真子,吉田友一,七森美江,稻田彻,岸野一彦,楠见尚己,加藤精三,浪川大辅,中尾隆圣,酒井敬幸,三宅健太,沼田祐介,高户靖广,中山真奈美,江川央生,桧山修之,岩尾万太郎,堀之纪,关智一,土田大,樱井敏治,黑田崇矢,岛田敏,下山吉光,佐藤正治,津久井教生,高阶俊嗣,坂口候一,野田圭一,远近孝一,川津泰彦,山口胜平,高濑右光,龙田直树,柴本浩行,高山
  • 6.7分已完结午夜之眼松田重治,小山茉美,若本规夫,寺岛干夫,屋良有作,户谷公次,池水通洋,山寺宏一,乡里大辅,永井一郎,寺濑今日子,川浪叶子,家弓家正
  • 5.9分已完结午夜之眼2松田重治,藤田淑子,乡里大辅,小林清志,青野武,二又一成,冬马由美,田中和实,平野正人,河合义雄,户谷公次
  • 6.8分已完结人鱼之森山寺宏一,高山南,土井美加,此島愛子,槐柳二,山崎和佳奈,田中和实
  • 7.8分全12集00:24:00八男?别闹了!榎木淳弥,西明日香,三村有己,小松未可子,市道真央,下野纮,高冢智人,杉田智和,野上尤加奈,浪川大辅,屋良有作,山根雅史
  • 7.9分已完结00:24:00吊带袜天使小笠原亚里沙,伊濑茉莉也,石井康嗣,三木真一郎,吉野裕行,小松由佳,藤村步,千叶繁,清川元梦,屋良有作,榎本温子,一田梨江,柴田秀胜,岩田光央,远藤绫
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